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Themed trips in Thailand - what the country has to offer

Sustainable Tourism in Thailand - responsible and environmentally conscious travel.

Sustainable Tourism in Thailand - a topic that is becoming more and more important, because it is important to travelers as well as tour operators and providers of accommodation to protect the nature of Thailand and its animals. But sustainable tourism also means supporting local providers and maintaining the country's economy. In addition, it is the authentic cultural experiences that make traveling what we love. The food at local markets, a tour of the local communities where you can get to know the culture of the country better and the many human encounters - all these are factors that make us travel more consciously. Sustainable Tourism 


Click here for more infos about Sustainable Tourism in Thailand

Community Based Tourism in Thailand (CBT) - an opportunity to help local people

Community Based Tourism - also known as CBT for short - is a sustainable form of travel in which you spend your vacation in different villages or communities and thus support them. You experience traditional life and are almost “part of the family”. Not only does this strengthen the community, but the income can also be used to invest in other projects such as schools. With Community Based Tourism you get to know an authentic and lively Thailand away from mass tourism.



Click here for more infos about Community Based Tourism in Thailand

Eco Tourism in Thailand

In the last few decades Thailand has become extremely popular, especially among long-distance travelers - and as always when a country becomes a popular travel destination, this has of course been partly at the expense of nature. Polluted water from jet skis, exhaust fumes and the remains of tourists have turned some of the paradisiacal beaches into better garbage dumps. However, both the Thai government and travel agencies have reacted quickly and are investing in Eco Tourism, which is intended to protect both the landscape and the culture.


Click here for more infos about Eco Tourismin Thailand.

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